In order to understand the future of the Turkish Jewelery industry, it is necessary to both be in the sector and live. When both come together, we understand that when word and deed come together with the same action, I think we call it the manifestation of language.
Recently, we see that Turkish jewelery is heading towards a very different and good destination. The jewelery sector, which is developing in every field, also shows resistance while giving exams at the intricate, complex and equally difficult stage. You can call it both renewing and resisting to not be updated.
The recent jewelery selections (Istanbul Chamber of Jewelers and Jewelery Exporters' Association) passed this year with an unprecedented participation and an ambitious and contentious race. Of course, everyone is after doing something... Everyone has their own plan and strategy... They come up with many promises in the elections... At the end of the day or at the end, which of these promises will be fulfilled and what has been added to the field, by accounting for them. landed on the field...
Anyone who does not fully understand the Turkish jewelery sector from the outside should know that the first is all Turkey and its cities, which we call the domestic market, which is the sector companies working for this market, the second is the companies exporting abroad, they have little interest in the domestic markets... Thirdly, both abroad and abroad. as well as the companies entering the domestic markets... Recently, we see that the brands that do not appear in the domestic market much are also turning to the domestic market.
In addition, as sub-sector, gold, machinery, design, showcase, candle, casting and stone companies that feed these value-added companies are also divided into categories among themselves. In other words, like the products imported or produced here...
In addition, the jewelery sector, like other sectors, is evolving towards a period in which the heads of chambers and associations, who organize and distribute all these supports equally to the producers in the sector, exhibit their managerial qualities. .
We will reflect the developments in the domestic and foreign markets, all over the world, to you as a sector. Hopefully, we will work on the above-mentioned issues, one by one or part by part, in an understandable way.
We can't tell everything because our column is limited. With this first article, we are making an introduction.. We will share the experiences of both us and the doyens of the sector, who want to do business, who want to expand abroad, how to develop from scratch, and from now on, you will look at the jewelery sector more consciously...