Operations manager of Jeweler City Bülent Tabanlı gave a short interview to Habergold.com. Jewelry City operation corporation Bülent Tabanlı saying they look for solutions for the troubles of artisan and how they are here to serve Jeweler City tradesmen; they are always ready for the solutions of the forthcoming problems, showing his kindness, responded the questions of en.Habergold.com Could you briefly mention about yourself to inform our readers?My name is Bülent Tabanlı. I am operation manager of Jeweler City operation corporation, in brief KİAŞ. KİAŞ is a company founded eight yeras ago, 2004 March. Shareholding structure is completely based on its cooperative structure. It is an organisation organising here, their inferior employee, with their subcontractors, technical, security and domestic service, collecting revenues on behalf of office owners and paying their common costs in return of revenues, since 2004, since Jeweler City operation was opened. I have been carrying on this business in KİAŞ for eight years. My first task was manager of technical operation... I am the head of company, conducting on operation manager for two and a half years.
One of the important questions is this, artisans in Jeweler City ask, why the retailers in Grand Bazaar don't come Jeweler City? What do you think? It is one of the handicaps here for us. We also want them to come here, of course. We are doing some labours to this effect. And also the administration. Some retailers came but it is not enough. This number should be increased. Why?... Because, more than 900 workshops are working here. It is a necessity for them to deliver their manifactured goods by means of retailers. But there is something in Jeweler City. There is a future based on past. It is a bit difficult to get them out of there as artisans are getting used to Grand Bazaar, and they trade among the community in Grand Bazaar.It is difficult for both of us. Namely, I see this immpression in the negotiations with them: There is a fear about losing their job as there would be many retailers there when they go and hold place from Grand Bazaar to Jeweler City. We have to defeat that fear together with them. Because, when they come here in Jeweler City... Their workplace will be a good place. There is an excellent atmosphere in Jeweler City..Now, I have a look at Grand Bazaar, they are working in a narrow, cramped for spaces making people unable to breathe. Surely, as we take a look at Jeweler City side, there is an excellent facilitywith everything here is well- organised, ventilation, heating, cooling. If we able to save them from their this habit, continue contacting with these people, they will hold place here in the course of time. But I have to mark this. Retailers are mostly in Grand Bazaar before all else but by passage of time they will obsolutely come Jeweler City.
Another question. Artisans of Jeweler City say there is transportation pronbem. Is it so, according to you?There were some transportation problems in the past. Then, there weren't a front way peculiar to Jeweler City. There weren't h the cross road over the express road that Jeweler City built. Sure, as these opportunities were absent, the problems of transportations were being spoken. It was two or three years ago. But there is no transportation problem anymore after the front road is built and Jeweler City finished the cross road construction. Now, people coming by their private cars, can easily reach park space. Labours about the manipulation are performed. Manipulation beginning from cross road is available. But if there are people having no private cars and want to come by public transport, they can reach here as long as they prefer metrobus, İETT buses or mini-buses, from Yenibosna, Şirinevler. I mean, transportation convenience is provided. But we hear some complaints, either. Then, we contact with responsibles and work out the problem via increasing the number of buses and mini-buses. I cannot see any troubles. Finally, could we get your suggestions and advices for the tradesmen of Jeweler City?In terms of Jeweler City artisans, we get some complains as we are firm of operation of here. We have been having contacts about them. We get some suggestions, either. We provide all opportunities to make artisans do business in comfort. There are some troubles in our small workshops. I say as a jeweller. They cannot find this kind of workplace anywhere. Here, all kinds of problems and any other things are on the agenda. For instance, robbery may be performed. But it hasn't happen here so far. Security is excellent. We have security in each entrance.Our paramount wish is that they shall not fear KİAŞ. They contact and ask us. KİAŞ sometimes sends them some kinds of writings. It sends the rules must be obeyed. They are just for sake of them, to perpetuate our firm; surely they may have some thoughts. They come and share them with us. We are always here. They can always reach us. I mean, as we live together, this establishment will be long- lasting. They will continue working in their workshops for a long time and long years as they find a convenient workplace in terms of working qualities and overcoming problems.