Could you please mention about yourself ?I’m İlham Sekizkardeş. We have been running this business as Şelale Jewellery since 1976. We have been working on gold but on account of moving up ounce of gold, turned to silver. We have worked on silver, sets and necklaces. Do you exporting abroad? How is your commercial activities? Can you find what you demand in Jewelry City? How is your commercial structure here?The market place is a bit hidden, I mean there is not much activity. But with some adversisement and opening to the world, here can be more different and valuable.
To promote, what is required?Naturally, advertisement is required, promoting to universe is essential. Here is excexceptionally fine place as large as 5 Grand Bazaar, hygienic, diciplined, beauty and security. In that case experts promote here more the workshops will gain more efficiency and meet more customers face to face. This will effect us, jewelry manifacturers, positively. Namely, I realize deficiency about this matter.
Aren’t there some kinds of works as jewelry direction or chamber?There are. I believe there were and we need more. For instance, in Cemberlitas and Cagaloglu, we shall compete with below stairs. Because they work below stairs we call filthy and messy places. And they make us in a situaton that we cannot compete with their prices. As we cannot, naturally our strenght of competing has decreased. You pay your taxes and what is required but you cannot compere with below stairs. So this effects you in a negative way.Sure. As we pay what is required, we cannot compete with below stairs and this situation effects us negatively. As it is trouble, here should be promoted more, and more people shall come here either from Anatolia or abroad. When people come here , they will see clearly what kind of place and jewel here is.Here shall be seen from this view.
Has Jewelry City been promoted overseas?Maybe. I am not sure but it may be promoted. But I think it’s not satisfying. My impression is in this way. Have you felt any difference since you came Jewelry City or was the former beter?Former was much beter, we were available for rivalry. Here is surely more qualified, hygienic and extraordinary as I said. Customers have to come here especially foreigners. As long as they don’t come here, I will be in an unfair rivalry. In terms of realizing the value of here. Or not, this will go so on. Because here is a good-looking construction, a very big place. Finally, can we get your suggestions for the managers, something you say it would be better like this..?It is necessary here must reach its real value. Actually it is so valuble and it must be more. If advertisement is needed, it must be performed. It is required to illustrate here is out of the cap. I don’t mention about a tiny place, but 5 Grand Bazaar. There are millions of people, millions of workshops, if needed millions of stores. As workshops, here is one of the best enterprise place in the world. Tiny sites promotes more and so earn more. But I want Jewelry City to be a real Jewelry City. Here is a place relevant to jewelry, the people coming from i.e Dubai, Egypt or Saudi Arabia, Europe or so many different country, shall see the diffrence. As they see, we will be pleased here. Directly or indirectly with the customers, we shall get our addressee. People work here 24 hours and noone avoids. Security is excellent. But here is to be promoted and trading. As we don’t run business worldwide, we naturally go to retailers and convicted to them. As they come out of our country they will realize the real value and here will be better place. Thank you.My pleasure. Thank you for giving me this chance. Thanks.