Interview: Abdulvahap Filiz The 3rd biggest fair of the world Istanbul Jewelry Show will dazzle for 35th times on October. Istanbul Jewelry Show that have made known and promote the works of jewellry of all cultures in the world in the commercial area, makes come together the leading companies of Honkong, Thailand, India, China, United Arabic Emirates, Lebanon, Greece, Belgium and Singapore besides Turkey with from East Europe to Nearby Asia, from Russia to Middleeast, from North Africa to Turkish Republics, the most important receivers in the worldwide.
In the fair that will be open for only the professionals of the sector for 4 days, will take place the important companies of gold, jewelry, Stone, montur, pearl, watch, window display materials, machines and kits, jewelry softwares, security materials and safe custody. We present you dear readers the mini- interview with the sales manager of Doliche, Hanife Kökçü who gave speech to in the stand of Doliche. Could you briefly inform us about how is the fair going on?The fair was more dense in the first day but today it is a bit quiet, anyway our works are so good. Do you always take place in the fairs?It is our first fair in the name of Doliche but we are always in the fair areas.
How many days will the fair go on?We are here till Sunday, for 4 days. It has started on Thursday and will go on till Sunday. Is the immensity of customers from Anatolia or are there foreign customers?I think there is a good participation this year. We have many participants coming from everywhere whether inside Istanbul or inside our country, or from abroad. The participation is exremely good.Thank you.Thanks, and you too.