Ahmet Duran Güdücü, one of the shareholders of Toprak Jewellery, working on jewelry for about 28 years and going on doing business since 1993 with four shareholders and now with three shareholders made some explanations for en.Habergold.com. " We founded Toprak Jewelry limited company with four friends in 1993. We have been working with two friends.”
Generally, we majored on accessories, jewelry. We desing and produce sleeve buttons, tie pins namely jewellery to combine with clothes. These may be gold, silver or platinum, or any other metal; we can embroider everything metal.” he said and continued his speech: "We were in the Grand Bazaar formerly and came in Jewelry City in 2005. Here is our own property. We were trading in a 50 square meters area. But now we are working in 150 square meters area.”

In addition, we export as a company. Now, our export is a bit creaky... Thus we headed to domeslic market. Now, we don't have exportation. Previously, we export to Greece, England, America, Dubai and small counries in Europe...
Currently, letup is point at use due to the crisis in the world, so we head to domestic market. We try to manifacture and sell products appropriate to domestic market.
We have a nice market, come towards Italy, now we catch their level, we can manifacture as they manifacture. We have our own designers, we set aside imitation. We began to produce our own products. We have procuction almost at par, near degree with Italy. Our market is an imported market in the name of our counry. We may turn this market to gain by advertisement and promotion smartly on behalf of our country and artisans. Authorized should smooth a path for our artisans by paying attention to these subjects...” he said.