lncluding the project of "Improving Female Entrepreneurs via Supporting SMEs and Small Size Handicrafts” realised with the contract signed between KOSGEB and European Security and Cooperation Organisation (AGIT), embodied a capacity improvement program between 23-29 October 2012.
Comprising this labour, 30 female entrepreneurs from in the jewelry and textilesector Afghanistan, Azerbaijani and Tajikistan, paid a visit to the firms in this sector with the aim of observation our Complex during work time.
The board member Ali İhsan Delen saying the visit like a busy negotiation was so effective, made a short explanation; "30 female entrepreneurs coming to visit Jewelry City were satisfied. They asked questions about so many different areas. About exporting, transferring technology, besides renting from shopping centres, they had demans, as well.” he said. Heretofore, they said these kinds of events would be more often.